Sunday 15 March 2015

BOOK OF THE DAY: The Third Coin by J. A. Howard

by J. A. Howard
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Brilliant, twelve-year old Bea Brightman has popularity down to a science. After attending seven schools in as many years, she’s a master at making friends. That is until her father, a world-renowned archaeologist, moves them to New York City to pursue an ever-elusive coin. There she meets the mysterious and decidedly unpopular Nisha Lakewood who may hold the key to finding it.

Nisha Lakewood doesn’t fit anywhere. At school it’s rumored that she’s a witch able to make children fly. Yet at home, her fortunetelling Aunt finds her disappointingly normal. However, as Nisha approaches her thirteenth birthday, things begin to change. The magic she never believed she had is suddenly showing up when she least expects it and the nosy new girl, Bea Brightman, is on to her secret.

When Bea and Indy, a boy from the neighborhood, decide to pay Nisha’s Aunt a visit, it sets the three off on an unforeseen adventure that includes a prophecy, an unbreakable oath and one incredible coin.


J. A. Howard is an author as well as a fashion and beauty executive working in New York City. As the mother of two teenage daughters, Howard is focused on the healthy development and empowerment of young women in all of her work. The Third Coin, Howard's first novel, aims to encourage sisterhood and compassion among middle grade girls. She lives outside Manhattan with her family.

5.0 out of 5 stars Gread read for young and old October 3, 2014
Format:Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I don't have children and didn't realize this was written for middle-school age readers, as I was captivated from the beginning. I picked it up on a whim and couldn't put it down! Although meant for YA, the story of two girls and their side-kick boy, Indy, are brought together on a magical quest to save the world. Before you think Harry Potter, know that this book is set in New York City, but layers on the discovery of magical powers with a dash of schoolgirl angst. The characters are well drawn, so you get a complete sense of their looks, their lives and their thoughts, but without the endless internal dialog that characterizes many YA novels. The story clips right along and has a clear plot line. Best of all, the story is actually resolved in the one book. Would love to read a sequel !
5.0 out of 5 stars Don't miss this author's gift of writing and story telling! September 17, 2014
Format:Paperback|Verified Purchase
This book was written for young girls with an eye to giving recognition to what a girl has to go through to fit in at school. More than that it weaves a fantasy world into this attempt which is engaging, exciting and supportive. While reading each page it would occur to me how smoothly the characters are introduced and how descriptive the surroundings are. The dialogue captures each person-ality and gives Bea, our heroine, what she needs to make decisions on her choice of friends. This story reveals the true anxieties that social activities at school can create and even attempts to solve some of them. The world of creative mystery and magic is introduced through Bea's friendship with Nisha, a girl with magical powers and their search for the third coin is gripping.Hopefully, more books will follow by this author whose ability to entertain,while sharing her knowledge and understanding of young girls is exceptional and valuable. Would you have missed Harry Potter? Then don't miss this author's genius in giving an exciting viewpoint
on coping with the inevitable problems in life in the most exciting story to come our way since.

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