Wednesday 11 February 2015

99 CENT BOOK FIND: How to Solve the Paradox of the Universal Laws of Attraction by Cary David Richards

Available for JUST 99 CENTS is How to Solve the Paradox of the Universal Laws of Attraction: 8 Shortcuts to Using Coincidence and Sychronicity to Untangle the Mystery    by Cary David Richards  (Click for UK , Australia, Canada or India purchase).  Why not grab a copy before it goes back to full price?


Get your hands on the levers and dials of the universal laws that govern the attraction principles that are at work in your life every day.

How would your life look if you could learn to make those laws work for you on demand?

The paradox of the universal laws is one that takes some focus and intention to figure out. There are those who, being pragmatic and grounded in “reality” refuse to acknowledge that their success could hinge on the existence of an intangible source that enables them to connect with the universal field of possibility. They are uninterested in the Law of Attraction secrets that would be available to them if they simply opened their minds to the opportunity.

Others who are more open to new age thought are pretty sure it exists but are not sure how to use Law of Attraction principles. These enlightened souls know that simple positive thinking is not enough. They have experienced glimpses of synchronicity and coincidence in their lives but are unsure how to use those forces to harness the power they contain.

Over hyped and saturated with “Guru’s” and pseudo science The information originally brought into the main stream in “The Secret” book by Rhonda Byrne is centuries old. None the less it is a concept that almost everyone is curious about.

In this grounded, real world approach Cary David Richards is sure to click some of the missing pieces into place. You’ll be able to zero in on the specific actionable steps that enable access to the mind-body-spirit connection that may have eluded you in the past.

We all know that person who appears to have it all figured out. Things just seem to fall into place for her. Far beyond positive thinking, she has that something.
That “it” factor.

People are drawn to her. Somehow she has the ability to attract wealth and peace of mind and to manifest almost anything she wants for herself.
That person, (sometimes without even knowing it) has tapped into

˃˃˃ The Universal Laws of Attraction

You may have looked on in confused amazement at this person. Let’s face it, probably with a little jealousy as well. Is it her spirituality? Is she more adept than you at setting goals?

You know in your heart that she’s not better or smarter than you. Still, you wish you could have things come as easily to you as they do to her.

˃˃˃ That’s why Cary David Richards wrote this book.

These Law of Attraction stories and success principles are dedicated to those of you who know that there is something to all of the hype around the “Law of Attraction” but for whatever reason have not been able to make coincidence and synchronicity work for you.

Cary David, a grounded, down to earth seeker of truth, struggled for years with the same sort of conundrum. He was steeled in the cauldron of the corporate sales world and steeped in that ”What have you done for me lately” culture that doesn’t suffer fools gladly and values results above all else.

After being “corporately downsized” Cary David began a quest. Knowing that there was a force in the universe that could help him to attract the things he truly wanted but being unwilling to totally buy into all the new age mumbo-jumbo. He knew there had to be more to it than just goal setting or positive thinking.

Out of this mission came a body of information and an approach to life that has created abundance and fulfillment while allowing Cary David to follow his bliss and discover what truly matters in a life filled with joy and prosperity.

˃˃˃ Not just another self help book or collection of articles from the Law of Attraction magazine

The information contained in this volume has been gained through a lifetime of trial and error as well as focused study and dedication to understanding the way the intelligent universe functions.
Come along on a self improvement journey and let Cary David show you

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